Non obvious IFC Performance Standards case studies… and how they were solved

Understanding DFIs

  • Target group:
  • Estimated duration: 2 hours
  • Cost: €0

Course Overview

Interpreting the IFC PS for complex but typical high-risk project aspects. Presentation of workable and IFC PS conform solutions.


The IFC Performance Standards constitute quite a comprehensive and complex risk management framework for both, financial institutions as well as the credit taker.

Nevertheless, they cannot prescribe how specific risk situations are best being handled.

  • What should be considered as IFC PS complying in a given / typical scenario?
  • How were those cases solved that are by no means obvious but rather require innovative strategies?
  • What are the IFC PS issues that keep on triggering controversial discussion and what would be adequate solutions?
  • What makes an E&S Action Plan that is meant to bridge compliance gaps really a good Action Plan?